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Studio Tour! You're so lucky

This is my homage to Homer J Simpson...whom I haven't watched in 10-15 years but that one episode always stuck with me, "Do it for her"....I actually would love to have my own little copy of that up in my studio, it would be super easy to do, why am I just thinking of this now??

Regardless, my kids make me tired and some days by about noon (everyday) I am in need of a break. I spend nap time in here trying to regain my senses and find the strength to carry on with the rest of the day. I don't care what your job is, if you're not a parent you can't judge on how exhausting it can be.

*side note, how do you working parents do it? Go to a job all day and then come home and try to not be exhausted so you can spend quality time together. Blows my mind

I also really like to work from home because I want my girls to know how cool my job is, I kid you not! I am super lucky to have what job I have and it's a blessing to be able to use something you were born with to start a career.

Seriously, take a student to work day should be monthly...really give the kids a sense of how hard you worked so they can have the stuff they have. If the girls went to work with Jay they could make it a game! Like how many toilets can Daddy install in one day?! And can I get a new bike with the money he made?!

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